Sunday, November 19, 2006

Future Posting Topics

I'm building a list of things to blog about. I'd like to share with you my list, and maybe solicit some additional topics. I keep the list on my Treo, and occasionally I can even get in and retrieve the list.

1. Great epitaphs - What do you want written on your tombstone?
2. Emoticons - Those little smiley faces that people send in emails and text messages.
3. Brick - I like it.
4. Technology and the Foley scandal. Action/reaction. Use of the internet. I forgot what I had to say on this, so it's probably lost.
5. Canada - Also probably lost.
6. Secret. It's all about the topic.
7. 48 Laws of Power - There was just a fascinating article on the books in the New Yorker.

So in the vein of soliciting greater audience participation, lemme know what you think.


Cotton said...

Additional topic. Discipline.

jordi comas said...

Canada is definitely lost. How can such a big country have so few people?

How can such an important blog have so few comments?

Discipline??!? I had no idea. Are you up or down?